“The Good, the Bad and the Ugly” (1966) – Movie Review

“It’s not a joke, it’s a rope, Tuco. Now I want you to get up there and put you head in that noose”.-‘Blondie’ Clint Eastwood

Spaghetti westerns aren’t easy films to make. The cinematography, acting, direction, and lines all have to be perfected. There has to be some kind of a ‘spark’ towards a western. People either hate it or love it. I love this film!

“The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly” was an influential masterpiece that bought me to the conclusion that Sergio Leone was one of the greatest directors of all-time. His other works were great and highly praiseworthy, but this film was him at his very best. It’s too bad we don’t get these kinds of films anymore.

This unforgettable masterpiece is a piece of art. It’s elevated by masterful performances, outstanding direction, and the best soundtrack of all-time (in my opinion). Simply put, it’s a classic example of how to make a great spaghetti western.

Clint Eastwood, Eli Wallach, and Lee Van Cleef give adorable performances in this film, but Wallach is the ‘show-stealer’. He demonstrates a great understanding towards his character and is full of heart. He also carries the film very well, because of this. Eastwood is slick, causing unbelievable chemistry between his and Wallach’s character. Eastwood has always had a gift for conveying emotion through expressive eyes, and his skills are evident in this film. Lastly, Lee Van Cleef is amazing in his brief, yet undeniable role.

Sergio Leone’s direction is sophisticated and full of depth. The kind of camera angles used are beautiful. Cinematography is staggering. The use of extreme close ups creates palpable tension particularly during the iconic final showdown scene.

I haven’t a heard a better soundtrack from any film. The main theme is one of my most favorite parts of this film.

The storyline is at time silly, but it’s so hilarious that it’s hard not to see this film. There also isn’t much dialogue in this, but there are so many memorable quotes that you almost forget that.

Overall, nobody should miss this film. I wasn’t surprised to hear that this film is listed 4th on the ‘IMDB 250’. It’s third on my top favorites. There’s nothing ugly about a good masterpiece that has stood the test of time.

5/5 stars